
We were very delighted that so many experts joined to learn more about “SEED simulations of compact systems and 3D fullwave system-level ESD simulations” and we hope that the new findings will be of use for your future design projects.

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Session 1: Choosing optimal dynamic characteristics for ESD protection of compact systems using SEED simulation

In this presentation the system-level impact of dynamic ESD protection device characteristics is analysed. First, the difference between quasi-static and dynamic behaviour for different technologies is demonstrated by detailed evaluation of TLP measurements. Finally, the impact of device dynamics is analysed using fully dynamic system-level SEED simulation approach applied to the example of a compact system with the ESD protection device (TVS) close to the IC, resulting in a reduced trace inductance.

Session 2: 3D fullwave simulation for system level ESD

The presentation will focus on system level ESD using 3D fullwave simulation. The general description of simulation workflow, simulation model consideration and the simulation technique will be briefly discussed in this presentation. Finally, an example of ESD contact discharge simulation of automotive ethernet will be presented to show the advantage of using 3D fullwave simulation.

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Sergej Bub 

Sergej Bub is System Level ESD Expert at Nexperia Germany GmbH in Hamburg. He graduated as M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering at Technical University Hamburg specialized in nanoelectronics and microsystem technic. Currently, he is working at Nexperia in the development department with the focus on modelling and simulation of high-speed application systems and discrete ESD protection components incl. its development and optimization.

Richard Sjiariel 

Richard Sjiariel joined Dassault Systemes Deutschland since June 2021. His current position is SIMULIA Industry Process Consultant with the main focus of EMC simulation. From 2015 to May 2021, he was a hardware developer at Continental Automotive GmbH, Germany, where he was responsible for automotive display development, such as power supply concept, FR4-PCB and Flex-PCB layout architect, signal- and power integrity simulation and measurement, as well as EMC measurement according to CISPR-25. Before joining Continental, he was working 8 years as application engineer at CST. He gave technical support, training and webinar with the application area signal integrity and power integrity. He finished his M.Sc. degrees in electrical enginnering from University of Wuppertal in 2006.

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