




氮化鎵場效應晶體管(GaN FET)




Micro solar inverter

The smallest photovoltaic inverter, primarily used for residential installations, is the microinverter. Each panel (or a maximum of two combined panels) comes with its own integrated inverter. This helps maximize energy output and improve performance in shaded or partially obstructed conditions – as MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) can be optimized for each individual panel. Systems are also more flexible and reliable as more panels can easily be added without modifying the existing setup and a failure in one inverter does not affect the other panels. Typically rated up to a maximum of 3 kW they are ideal for small residential installations and increasingly for public facilities like streetlights or illuminated road signs.

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DC/DC Conversion (MPPT) DC/ACConversion ControlLogic Aux PowerSupply Microcontroller / DataLogger / Comms Wireless(WiFi / 4G /5G) WiredInterface aaa-041193 LineFilter GridRelay 230 V AC Output Highlighted components are Nexperia focus products.

Control logic

ESD bus protection


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Design considerations

  • MPPT stage will not only increase the system output level but BOM cost and space. The conversion stage is dependent on system requirements
  • More integrations will be seen in power supply module, fewer logic and ESD protection devices and small signal discretes.
  • Use wide bandgap (WBG) devices to achieve compact footprint and excellent thermal performance

Improve accuracy of AOI in PCB production by using modern package technology

To enhance AOI Nexperia has introduced its new lead shape which is featured in packages such as the CFP15B and CFP2-HP. Watch this video and learn how this new lead shape delivers a more uniform solder joint which is easier to detect with AOI.

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